Phoney Act XFactor UK

  Aug 31, 2015
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Phoney Act XFactor UK

Filipinos are known to be scam-professionals and they proved it again this weekend, as a phoney act xfactor uk with 4 innocent acting girls pretending to fly to UK to try their chance on the British X-factor competition. The friends looked and acted like amateurs but are revealed now as seasoned professionals, been on 4 different talent shows before, touring in the VS and Europe (even Monaco!), having their own YouTube channel and albums released in the Philippines.

These girls appeared with different names like M.I.C.A, Gollayan friends and 4th Power before, were in fact crafted by the show’s producers. Seeing their performance yesterday doesn’t leave any doubt and it makes you wonder why this show claims to spotlight amateurs and give them undiscovered talents a chance of a lifetime.

So guys, never believe the hype… especially when it comes from the Philippines.

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All models were 18 and over at the time of the creation of such depictions.