Fake Beauty

  Apr 16, 2017
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Fake Beauty

Let’s talk a little about fake beauty, you know the kind, they get all made up to look like they are fit to be on the front of a magazine only to take off that makeup and look like they should be staying inside.

Guys, I already warned you before about this, so here again a good example of the illusion that is being sold to us on a daily basis. And yes, I am also weak for this and I am being fooled as much as you do, BUT I am just consuming the illusion once and I am not marrying one. As much as news is fake, beauty is it as well in many cases. This said, of course there are natural beauties everywhere, some girls are stunning without make up and their bodies don’t even need any magical work… but don’t forget: even they are getting old day by day. So, stay focused, go hunt and eat the meat when it’s served warm!

“Contributed by johntron, Member”

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