Early morning sex with hot ass girl

  Jun 20, 2017
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Dear Diary – Decided, very late last night, to hang out at a bar and ask a girl home for the night. After 15 minutes sitting there, I already found a lady that seemed to be wild enough for a shoot, too. As it was already 1am, I decided to just enjoy the fuck and film the second round in the morning. That’s what I did but the lady was not so keen on showing her face for the video. I’ve not been so lucky with girls lately. Anyways, it was bareback and a creampie for this early morning sex adventure… so I was still satisfied.

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Stayed in my room all day after my Early Morning Sex affair, thinking about what to do next this summer. I really want to discover new places and fuck different types of girls. I have been feeling quite horny about fucking some white blonde chicks, so I really need to fly to Europe, US or Australia for that. I’m also eager to visit Madagascar. Some members have been asking me to go there for a long time already. So, the best thing to do is go from Europe to Madagascar. I found the cheapest tickets from London to Madagascar, so I decided to visit London first, even with all those crazy terror attacks lately. Will decide tomorrow.

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