Tight Jeans Girls in London Park

  Jul 4, 2017
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Dear Diary – After such a success with that Russian Nympho, yesterday, I really deserved a rest today. I went for a walk to the park then ate some fish n’ chips. No action in this city, or at least not the Asian way. Many Tight Jeans Girls here, which I love. Those asses moving in those jeans, yummy.

Sunny seems to like me a lot. She texted me 5 times today and wants to do more shoots. Damn, I have been lucky with this one! I agreed to her needs, of course. I’m not stupid haha. She will send me a message when she is free. She said she will make up for any shyness last time and to do a better shoot. My girl!! Hell, I am still not complaining. 5 fucking stars across the board.

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All models were 18 and over at the time of the creation of such depictions.