Young Asian Slut Picked Up At A 7/11

(This model was 19 years old at the time of filming)
  Tan C
  Jan 6, 2018
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Dear Diary – My efforts during the past days are finally rewarded! On another walk through the city, today, I saw a young Asian slut standing inside a 7/11. I walked closer to her and she instantly smiled at me before her obvious flirting started. When I started to talk, she was very receptive. So, I continued to talk and walk with her. Her name is Tan and merely 19 years old. She was totally into me and it was super-easy to ask her over to my hotel.

When I took out my camera, she was not even surprised. Heck, she even loved it! She made duck faces, did the whole tongue between her lips thing and made cute V signs with her fingers. 10 minutes later, and my dick was in this girl’s mouth. Good girl. Definitely the kind of young Asian slut that I love banging! Tan here has a nice young and hairy pussy. Delicious. Small tits, too. So fucking horny.

This is EXACTLY what I needed, after a few difficult hunting days. Thai girls still have it, guys, and that is good news. I am for sure going to stay in Bangkok until flying to Las Vegas. Who knows, maybe I’ll find another young Asian slut for you all before I leave.

After a good creampie, she left. I have her phone number, for another round.

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This website and its contents are for entertainment purposes only.
All models were 18 and over at the time of the creation of such depictions.