Dominican Teen’s Dry-Spell Broken In Tel Aviv

(This model was 21 years old at the time of filming)
  Sade Rose
  Jun 22, 2018
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Dear Diary – I landed in Tel Aviv, at 5am, and I only had my date setup for 2pm. I decided to just go to a hotel and sleep anyways. I woke up at noon and made my way to the place where we agreed to meet. It’s a little restaurant close to her apartment. Sade Rose arrived right on time and was really surprised that I came especially for her. This horny little Dominican Teen was as hot in real life now as she was in her pics. She was super-flirty and had agreed on making pics, etc, and after 30 minutes of talking, we walked to her apartment. I am so excited to fuck this super-fine Latin teen sexpot!

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After taking some time to get her in the mood, back at her place, she started to undress and it all turned into a wonderful experience. Finally, a Latina again! Look that ass! I really have to fly to Latin-America, to explore more of this type of pussy, right? She got very very horny and we had a wonderful fuck. First in her living room, then in her sleeping room. <strong>She even begged me to creampie her tight Dominican teen pussy!</strong> Oh my fuck… so good! Shimmy from Toticos would be proud!

We went for a little walk, after all that, and then I went back to my hotel. I need to hop a flight to Barcelona tomorrow. Pity… because I would have loved to fuck her once more but my Chinese teen Fang will be waiting for me in Barcelona. No choice! I cannot leave a girl like that hangin’!

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All models were 18 and over at the time of the creation of such depictions.