Dear Diary – I was on the way to Emperor disco tonight when a local guy approached me, wanting to show me another disco just next to Emperor. It was quickly clear that it was just a normal disco and I was not interested in that. Then, he insisted that I should go with his brother (a taxi driver) to a place where there are many girls he said. I though “why not?” I heard of this type of thing called Taxi mongering, so I wanted to try. He said it works out to be about a 5 minute drive but it turned out to be 25 instead. I was getting pissed already.
Then he suddenly stopped in the middle of nowhere, in a dark alley. I thought I was going to get robbed when 3 girls showed up in the dark. I could barely see then. Using my iPhone, I decided to chose the cutest. On my way back to my hotel, the girl was totally not interested in even talking to me. Once in the room, she continue to have the long face so I simply sent her back out.
Lesson learned. No taxi Mongering for me anymore!