Sexy Round Ass Mall Asian Fucked

(This model was 26 years old at the time of filming)
  Jan 5, 2022
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Dear Diary -I went shopping at SM Mall today when I realized that I forgot to charge my phone. By the time I arrived there, I had no phone power anymore and it’s of course then that I got to talk with a super-cute sexy round ass 22yo lady named Loreann, an ex bargirl. She was walking alone in some casual sportswear and made eye contact with me. I never leave such an opportunity pass me by. We had a coffee and talked. She had a relationship with a Korean guy (you can see it in her hair and make-up style still) and just broke up with him. I had to talk to her for an hour, just persuade her into a shoot. Damn, lucky me! It was totally worth it. What a beauty! And that perky small sexy round ass she has is amazing to look at and feel! She also has a cute small pussy that I was happy to creampie!!! I hope her Korean ex will see this video and miss her perfect ass hahaha. I got her number and I hope that she will come back for more.

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All models were 18 and over at the time of the creation of such depictions.