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Dear Diary – Today I went to Ayala mall, the biggest mall here in Cebu, after getting settled into my new place. I just wanted to buy some new jeans and a pair of shoes maybe. While browsing, I noticed two horny Filipinas walking and from the behind they looked very similar. We talked a little and they were 18 years old, named Erika and Brenda. They were very nice and friendly and admitted that they knew I was following them all along. They said they weren’t afraid at all and were happy to join me for some food at Friday’s.
I wanted to invite these horny Filipinas to my hotel right away but I had two problems. One, I expected Manilen to text me tonight and maybe come over. Two, it was late at night already and I prefer to take my pictures in daylight, especially if I have two girls. But we agreed to meet again tomorrow here at my hotel. I hope that my life-long fantasy will come true!
Later, I got a message from Manilen saying she couldn’t make it tonight. We would chat this weekend to talk about it. For some reason, I started to get worried. Maybe she got scared and will cancel our deal. 🙁