Dear Diary – Shiela texted me early this morning saying that she wanted to introduce me to a friend. Shiela always tries to bring me girls because she knows that’s the only way I like to stay in touch with her. So this morning, she brought me Rubi (not the same Rubi as recently). She is a cute girl, very shy and a little chubby. She never met a foreigner before and had a problem about me taking pictures of her all the time. I felt that this was going to turn into nothing. I tried, made jokes, even showed her my dick… but she got even more uncomfortable… so finally, the girl changes mind and she decided to leave, saying that she would come back tomorrow. Of course she won’t. Sad, I know, but I’m sure Shiela will try to bring me another girl 🙂 So I just slept all day. It was a very lazy day.