Girl Turned Down, Not My Style

  Oct 8, 2024
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Dear Diary – Something special happened to me here today and it’s the first time it’s happened to me here in the Philippines: I refused a girl!!! Shiela came over with a girl today. She still had to make it up to me for bringing me a girl last week that didn’t want to boomboom with the camera on. She texted me to say that she had a cute girl for me and we agreed to meet at 10am. It started badly already as they arrived late, at 11:30am. I was already pissed. Shiela was in a good mood and was singing Lady Gaga while entering, playing with her tongue to get me all horny… but the girl she brought was a total catastrophe!!! It’s not that she was chubby but she just didn’t have any sex appeal. I shrugged and turned the girl down for sex. I tried to talk to her and take some pics of her… but I just wasn’t feeling it. So finally, I asked her to go home. Bye bye!

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