Early Dating Mistakes In Asia

  Nov 7, 2024
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Don’t make fun of her pronunciation: Not even in a playful way. Asian women can be self-conscious about this (especially the more ambitious girls who are working on improving their English) and she will find it rude. Also, I don’t want to state the obvious biggest early dating mistakes here but… don’t make fun of any of her Asian physical characteristics, such as her slanted eyes or her petite size.

She may be self-conscious about the shape of her eyes. Remember what I said earlier about the #1 cosmetic surgery being “eye reshaping” to give the women a more Western look? Also, don’t joke about her small stature because Asian women don’t see themselves this way. They are proportionately sized to Asian men. If anything, they may see you as big, bulky and awkward because you’re so much larger than what they are used to seeing. Thai women have a derisive word that they use for foreigners that means “water buffalo.” So, don’t make early dating mistakes such as pointing out these physical differences.

Don’t try to tell her to be more independent and ignore the wishes of her parents: As a Western guy, you may find it… (Log in to read rest of the 1400-word article)

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