Dear Diary – It’s Valentine’s day and I need to have a good fuck now! I have been a little too quiet the last week with all that traveling so I started with a big walk around the city today. I went for a massage and talked with 2 nice Thai disco girls who were asking me to go out tonight. Perfect for Valentine… a little 3some!
I felt this could be a good idea. When they were preparing (make-up and stuff) I went to a real nice restaurant that they recommended to me. Good food and cute waitresses (all very small) in very cute uniforms (black and red stripes). I will go back there for sure.
After that, I changed my hotel room for one with a better view and light. I went out with the 2 Thai disco karaoke girls, Anon & On, In the early evening. We first went to a Thai dsico called “Z Disco” and then to Hello Bangkok. Both are big places with a lot of stunning Thai girls.
Before I make a full report about this, I will for sure talk with more girls in these Thai disco places first. We’ll see. Anyways.. around 11, I got too horny and took “On” with me to my room. The other one got sick and went home. It was there that I got another big disappointment: she didn’t want me to shoot! But… you know me guys, we’ll see what happens in the morning!
Goodnight and have a better Valentine’s Day than me!