Cowgirl Fuck With Horny 19yo

(This model was 19 years old at the time of filming)
  Mar 11, 2025
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Dear Diary – Tuktana has already in Japan for 1 year, working in the Thai restaurant that her fam owns and from what I understood, she is desperately looking for a white BF. I told her about my hobby of making pics and she seemed interested in some cowgirl fuck action today. I then asked her to my room.

Once in my hotel room, I showed her the magazines I bought in hopes that the cowgirl fuck pics would make her horny. A friend of mine told me ten years ago that it’s never good to hide your Japanese porn magazines from girls. It’s better to leave it all open in your room. That way you can easily find the horny bitches. If the girl is laughing, giggling or even looking in your magazines, you will fuck her very soon.


With that advice in mind, I openly showed her the magazines I bought today and to my surprise, she immediately began to look at them and seemed to not be shocked at all. When I made a joke telling her that I wanted to make similar cowgirl fuck shots, her reaction was enough to understand that this was really going to happen… and that is what I did!

We started with normal pics and when I asked her to take off some clothes, she simply did it. I almost felt like I was back in the Philippines. I started to touch her wonderful ass (what an ass on her!), then her boobs and 10 minutes later she was in all kinds of positions, naked, and giving one heck of a cowgirl fuck for the camera.

Thai girls are really special. I am so happy I am flying to Thailand after tomorrow. It’s also a good thing that I didn’t give up on Tuktana! Look at this episode and you’ll understand why!

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This website and its contents are for entertainment purposes only.
All models were 18 and over at the time of the creation of such depictions.